为皮肤提供强效保湿,减少炎症并同时促进组织修复。透明质酸将重要的水分结合到皮肤上并恢复其弹性,使皮肤非常柔软和光滑 .
Provides intensive hydration to the skin, diminishes inflammation and promotes tissue repair at the same time. Hyaluronic Acid binds vital moisture to skin and recaptures its elasticity, leaving it ultra supple and smooth.
Main Ingredients
Hyaluronic Acid 玻尿酸 (透明质酸)透明質酸本為人體皮膚內的一項鎖水原素,並可吸收比自己多 1000 倍的水份,是不含油份的保濕因子。醫學證實,外塗的透明質酸能有效滲入皮膚,並把水份帶入細胞組織,促進細胞的保護和更新。
15% Copper Peptide 铜肽碧卡醫生(Dr.Loren Pickart)首次發現銅肽能重組皮膚內的蛋白質,協助細胞復原和更新,促進膠原蛋白增長,同時減退皮膚的過敏反應,對皺紋、衰老、痘痘,以及一切因紫外線和刺激性的美容療程(如激光、彩光、換膚等)所引致的輕微傷痛,具特別顯著的治療功效。一項向 71 位女士進行的實驗報告顯示,銅肽能有效減少皺紋,而且增加皮膚的彈性和厚度,使其回復青春。
Vitamin B5 维生素 B5維生素B5是皮膚下的鎖水因子,協助新陳代謝,並調理賀爾蒙分泌。充足的維生素B5可保持頭髮和皮膚健康亮澤,而且具抗禦細菌的功用,減低痘痘形成。
Soothes swelling and redness caused by sensitive skin, photofacial treatments, UV rays and acnes.
Copper Peptide and Vitamin B5 in synergy to facilitate skin healing by promoting tissue repair and erasing inflammation.
Works against the damaging effects of free radicals and stimulates collagen production, thereby prevents premature signs of aging.
Hyaluronic Acid binds vital moisture to skin deep and recapture its elasticity, leaving it ultra supple and smooth.
铜肽和维生素 B5 协同作用,通过促进组织修复和消除炎症来促进皮肤愈合。
Suitable For
All Skin Types 所有肤质
Apply 2 to 3 drops on a clean, dry skin twice daily. Use after Cellbone Vitamin C Serum or/and follow with your moisturizer of choice. 每天早、晚使用精華液後,把保濕凝胶塗於面上,並讓它完全滲透。
Avoid direct contact with the eyes. For external use only. Do not combine with Vitamin C serum or cream.
Store in a cool, dark place Main Ingredients: Pure Hyaluronic Acid