Formulated with of highly concentrated and qualitative ingredients, 2B Bio Serum, combined with 2B Bio Cocoon, allows your skin to breathe in a optimal way and to better auto-regulate itself in polluted environments. Also acts as detoxifying care.
- Helps to increase the percentage of O2 in your skin
- Clears the cells of the toxins that smother them
- Helps to enhances the production of collagen
- Optimizes skin hydration
- Strengthens the hydrolipidic barrier
- Helps to boosts the cell metabolism
与人体血红蛋白的功能同理,持续增加皮肤内部氧气的含量,促进胶原蛋白的新生,优化肌肤水合作用,促进细胞新陈代谢,提高皮肤在污染的环境下的自我调节和修复能力。增强水脂屏障。同时也是一种理想的皮肤排毒剂,能清除肌肤中超量的二氧化碳等。肌肤由内向外的改善,效果持久。去除皱纹,滋润肌肤,令肌肤通透明亮。同时有强大的祛痘和创伤修复功能。14 天见证肌肤改变的奇迹。
The Secret in the Formula
- Perfluorodecalin: increases the oxygen rate in the skin.
- Perfluoropolymethylisopropyl ether: optimizes the perfluorodecalin performances.
- Sorbeth-30: moisturizing, solvent.
The Results
In combination with 2B Bio Cocoon, 2B Bio Serum O2 enables your skin to breathe optimally and to better self-regulate in polluted environments. It is an ideal detoxifying agent as it clears your skin of the carbon dioxide and enriches it in oxygen. Your wrinkles seem to be smoothed from within. Preserved from dehydration, your skin regains its youthful radiance.
How to Use
As a 14-day cure
According to requirements, in alternation with 2B Bio Oxygel. Every day, morning and evening, on a perfectly cleansed skin, before the day or night cream. Apply on your face and neck as well as on the back of your hands, which are particularly prone to dryness. After an immediate feeling of extreme softness, your skin recovers its initial touch, a sign that all active ingredients have been absorbed.
「 适用人群 」
一般至混合性、敏感性皮肤。尤其晦暗、衰老、斑点、 痘痘、损伤性等问题性肌肤。
All skin type especially skin have problem.